11:18   Abdullah Sherwani      No comments
Chinese said:”An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Apple is skin friendly due to the presence of the vitamin C,D and copper that nourish skin. It contains anti aging ingredients that prevent skin from curbs. Apple is also considered as an anti acne prevention and pimple prevent eruption food. It eliminates dark circles, cure dandruff and enhance hair growth. Fresh apple juice is very good drink for the Alzheimer’s patient. Apple contains lots of fiber that help the fats into lower cholesterol level and causes weight loss. Apple seeds contain cyanide that is the powerful poison and cause serious affect on our health. Do not eat apple up to 4 times due to their acidic reason. Its routine use prevents from stroke and makes life healthier.

[Recipe of healthy fresh apple juice:

The 2 normal size apples, handful seedless black grapes and blueberries and then blend them in a blender until smoother. Tasty and healthy drink ready to serve.


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